Coopermaq - Machines and Equipment

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Coopermaq single-stage incubators are able to read embryo temperature through Embriotherm sensor, during the entire incubation process allowing the Argus system to conduct self-calibration, providing the ideal temperature for embryonic development, enabling excellent rates of hatching-egg and posteriorly, production of high-quality chicks.

-Responsible for monitoring the temperature of eggs inside the incubator;
-It helps in the calibration process of the machine;
-Versions available with 12 or 18 sensors;
-Easy to install and to set-up;
-Own technological development.


CO2 control

Each phase of embryonic development requires different levels of CO2, and this control is done automatically, with this operating so that the renewal of the air maintains oxygen levels according to the need of the embryos.

-It allows an automated ventilation adjustment, enabling the use of different oxygenation levels during the process;
-Highly reliable and robust sensor;
-It allows Argus system to generate alarms under critical oxygenation situations inside the machine;
-Control process specifically developed for incubation and hatcher machines;
-Own technological development.


Weighting Scale

Through the scale, a specific tool, we monitor weight loss during 19 days of incubation, where Argus control instantaneously informs weight loss percentage allowing adjustments through CO2 control standards and internal humidity of the incubators.
Proper weight loss during incubation process assures correct gas changes of the embryo with the environment, and the ideal air chamber formation.

-Online monitoring of weight loss curve;
-It allows humidity levels evaluation and their management;
-It enables to improve hatching-egg rate and to decrease post-hatching-egg mortality;
-Available for trays of 150 and 84 eggs;
-Own technological development.


Power Saver

Responsible for power consumption reduction during incubation. Along with potency devices, control system changes air movement speed inside the incubator in a practical and safe manner, without interfering in incubation process.


Argus Control

Keep your hatchery updated with the best.
Argus system efficiently controls the functions for embryonic development, through tools and processes, specifically created to meet the market’s needs.

-Easy man-machine interaction;
-7 inch color touch screen;
-Desenvolvimento tecnológico próprio;
-Safety in incubation process, with alarms for monitoring and signaling in the entire process;
-Reduced user’s response time;
-Frequency inverter, efficiently reduces power consumption.


Vector Control

-Own technological development and manufacturing;
-Easy view, main screen shows information required to the operator;
-Easy operation, pooled functions;
-Access control by password;
-Excellent cost-benefit system;
-Availability of remote supervision through computer or other equipment;
-CO2 control to enhance damper opening and to improve embryonic development;
-Online monitoring of weight loss during the entire incubation period;
-Upgrade possibility in all incubation equipment of the market.


Cronos Supervisory

-Cronos Supervisory is different from other solutions because it provides a practical configuration interface for supervision of machines and processes of the company. It allows the user to have in a single place all information required of the incubators. Temperature, humidity, ventilation and CO2 parameters can be changed and saved for each egg age or genetics;
-Based on history of database information, it is possible to take proactive actions to maximize plant production. Database which allows storage of information for 1 year;
-Supervisory offers a tool, through which maintenance, operation and management professionals, receive alarm information by e-mails previously enrolled in the supervisory;
-It allows a real-time graphic view with process information per colors and motion graphics of all machines installed in the incubation plant. In addition to a detailed page with all relevant information of installed equipment;
-It has a robust ModBus communication system, designed to operate in aggressive environments, assuring its information liability;
-Cronos Supervisory is constantly being updated, and its Software is compatible with diverse Windows platforms.


Vector Net Supervisory

-Robust communication system, designed to operate in aggressive environment;
-Operation platform compatible with Windows XP or Windows 7;
-Capacity of issuance, printing and export of reports in texts of graphics;
-Program with all information required for management of incubation process, with easy interpretation and operationalization.



Control of hatching-egg window does not depend exclusively on the hatcher, therefore, SPDR tool comes to meet this need, and it can monitor up to four hatching-egg trays, providing more convenience and freedom to the hatchery manager regarding the choice of which lots will be monitored, its operation consists of detecting the right moment of external pecking, conducting CO2 adjustment at safe levels which provide uniformity of hatching-egg window without affecting hatchability and quality of the chicks.

-Easy installation;
-It allows to be installed at different sites of the machine, helping Argus Control to monitor the chicks during hatching;
-It consists of two monitoring modules per machine;
-Own technological development.


Prime Control

-New control software and hardware with easy user-interaction interface;
-Reading of 3 points of internal and 1 of external temperature;
-Transfer of travel report by wireless technology;
-Individual actioning of ventilators;
-7 inch color touch screen;
-Position Storage via GPS;
-High capacity of data storage;
-Easy problem identification;
Actioning of ventilators in economic mode in case of vehicle problems.


Digital Control

-It manages all functions of the truck, being monitored by temperature, humidity and water level sensors;
-Information storage for later issuance of travel reports;
-Transfer of travel report by wireless technology;
-Compatible with SAV - Sistema de Acompanhamento de Viagem [Travel Follow-up System] Software;
-With led’s and indicator display;
-Manual control panel used in case of failure in electronic panel.


Prime Supervisory

-System responsible for generating a travel report, based on indicators of humidity, temperature, CO2 and geographic positioning;
-It receives data and information via WiFi, when within range, without needing cables;
-High capacity of data storage, enabling a detailed follow-up of control indicators;
- System is integrated to Google Maps which allows the follow-up of truck’s route, after generating the report.

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